lundi 1 avril 2013

Nearly the end

Four more days left and then I'm leaving back to Geneva to the cold city, leaving behind me summer and all the wonderful people I have met.

During the last week, I was on a holiday trip, visiting the Addo game park, in this reserve I saw a lot of animals and we even saw lions in far distance! And then, on the way back, we went to the Congo caves and I did a tour where I was sneaking trough very narrow passages in a cave filled with stalactites.

The time pasted so quickly ! The first week was quite slow but then you get used to the life style and the days are flowing away. I will miss a lot of people and also the school it was so relaxed. But hey I have still four days and I have a fully charged program with all the people that I still want to see.
See you soon!


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