mardi 22 janvier 2013


Ca y est.
Ce quotidien est devenu mon quotidien.
Je me suis fait aux heures de voitures (qui font quand même toujours mal au petit écolo gentil que je suis), aux heures passées à regarder family guy en mangeant des chips et aux heures passées à chercher un troisième exemple pour mon message blog.

Mon anglais progresse gentiment, ça fait super bizarre quand un mot en anglais vient brusquement s'incruster dans mon little cerveau. Je commence aussi à ne pas devoir d'abord penser ma phrase en français puis la traduire, mais directement "composer" en anglais...

Les  Américains sont étranges. Non seulement ils font leur pièce de théâtre en 10ème, mais ils écrivent aussi leurs nouvelles cette année... Du coup, le bon garçon travailleur que je suis en a écrit une! Allez, vivons fous, je vous la copie-colle!


by Léonard Dörig

The man woke with difficulty, a few minute after his clock. He token his morning coffee, put on his suit and enter in his car. While he heard the news, he thought at his future day. He had to go, like everyday, in a slaughterhouse to check if the standards are respected. A sad job for a sad man.

"You have arrived at your destination" said the voice on his GPS.
The factory was a big building  isolated in the Maine's wood.
The man was welcomed very politely by the owner of the slaughterhouse, who directly show him the first room, where the baby pigs grows up.
The man checked if they had enough food, enough drink, enough space…
Everything was OK, so the man and the boss went to another room, where they could see some pigs, howling, who advance, blinded, on a conveyor belt.
Every pig were separate by 20 cm of space, so the laws were respected…
The shouting of the pigs was terrible, so the man was almost happy to check the next room.
Here, we could just hear the noise of the machine, the machine who slays the pigs, stopping them to live, starting them to be edible.
"Here, we kill one pig every 2 second ! 30 pigs by minute !" announced proudly the owner to the man, who answer by a polished smile.
Finally, they arrived in the last room, where the pigs were intended.
There was a death silence in this death room. Hundreds persons were aligns, doing the same move 8 hours by day: cut the leg of the pig who come on the conveyor belt; remove the leg that the colleague just cut; remove the heart from the pig; remove the lung from the pig, or put the head of the pig in the big bin (who will be transform in a kind of flour, very rich in protein, that the baby pigs will eat to grow quicker)…
The man made a last   on his page, and follow the boss in his office.

There, the owner ask the man a question who will change his life: "You know, I have very big factory, I produce a lot but, but my pigs are not very sell… I made a survey, and the people don't really like it… So I taste it myself, and it's true, my pigs are not very good…Why? Do you have an idea?"
"Maybe…Maybe it's when you kill them." Answer the man. The man looked interested, so the man continued his  theory: "The pigs are more similar to the human that you think… When somebody need a skin graft, the doctors takes some pig's skin, because the DNA is almost the same… But this is not all: They can feel some emotion, like the apes, dolphin and others animals… They can be scared, for herself and for their kids. They know, they "feel" that everybody will be killed soon, so they are worried for their children. Maybe… Maybe if you let the pigs with their own children as long as possible, they will be less stressed, and taste better!"
The owner thanks the man, who went in his car, happy.
"Maybe, this pigs will have a better life. Always short; but better…" thought the man going in the next factory.

 Two years later...

The man  woke up a few minute before his clock.
Today, he will go in a special factory…The one were he said to let the animals with their children… A big slaughterhouse, somewhere in the Maine.
The boss welcome him warmly and brought him to his office. On the wall was hanged a statistic table, who skyrocket…"I have to say you a big THANK YOU!" said the owner to the man. "Since I do what you told me, my pigs are the number in all the store!"
"I'm exited to see to see that" answered the man.
They went to the first room, the baby pig's room…But the small animals  were always in separate cage; nothing change, the room is just bigger.
"Why are they not with their parents?" ask the man, surprised .
"Because I had a better idea…Come, you will be bluffed!"
They entered in the next room, who was completely silent. The conveyor belt carried some pigs very quiet, who advanced inexorably to the death.
"You told me that they were too scared…So I gave them a powerful tranquilizing…And business had never been as good as now!"

The man, completely disappointed, ask to do a blood test of a pig. He brought the blood sample and did a laboratory test.
The following day, the man went the slaughterhouse, determined, and ask to see the boss.
In his office,he show him the results of the test.
"The anodyne that you gave to your pigs have a side effect…. He create an habit. 
If your client buy it again and again, it's not because it's better than before.
Your pigs don't taste better.
People don't like it more.
They became addicted."

4 commentaires:

  1. Et bien, vous anticipez pour le théâtre et "rétrogradez" pour les nouvelles...
    L'anglais a l'air de vous devenir familier, bravo ! Quant à moi, je vais prendre mon dictionnaire et tenter de traduire votre histoire. J'ai déjà compris le titre !

  2. carrément trop bien ta nouvelle! j'avoue que je vais aussi sortir le dictionnaire....
    Est-ce que par hasard tu te serais coupé du monde des bons vieux amis restés à Genève??
    On attend impatiemment ton adresse pour t'envoyer nos petites lettres parce qu'on a plusieurs trucs vachement fou a te raconter!
    Moi j'ai aussi une petite demande a te faire : je dois te remplacer pour le monocycle! help help as-tu deux trois choses pour moi????
    Bref j'en reviens toujours pas que Léonard a quitter notre petite suisse montagnarde pour aller dans la capitale de la mondialisation... Mais bon avec toi, plus rien ne m'étonne!
    Je me réjouis de te revoir lorsque tu auras triplé de volume!

  3. Moi, j'dis que quand les élèves font travailler les profs, c'est que la relève est assurée! Super, Léonard, et merci d'avoir eu le courage de recopier tout cela! Thank's a lot!


  4. elle est géniale ta nouvelle! bravo :)tu me manque beaucoup rentre bientôt bisous :P isabelle


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